There are many ways to express how you feel about the place you have chosen! You can draw or paint, compose a song, record your own voice talking about your place, write creatively in a short essay, poem. You could dance in your spot, record the sounds you hear, take a photograph of your spot, or combine the modes of expression!
The following is a list of questions that explore different ways of thinking about place. Feel free to use any of the questions as inspiration!
Connection to Others
Describe the person you believe best understands you in this world. Share with us your favorite place to visit with them.
Where would you escape to right now? Any time period, any place, alone or with a companion.
What place do you long to return to? With whom?
Describe your fondest childhood adventure. Who was with you?
What is your favorite way to communicate with someone?
Connection to Nature
Recall a time you were in nature for an extended period of time, how is this different from shorter interactions with nature?
What elements contribute to your feeling closer or connected to nature? What makes you feel disconnected?
Connection to Self
Pick a place that others don’t know you like and write about/draw/paint etc. why you like that place.
What is the place that best represents who you are?
Do you ever create an imaginary place or a fantasy place in your thoughts? What does that place look like or sound like?
Describe the place where you feel most like you, where you can do anything, say anything. A place where you feel you belong. What are the sounds, textures, smells, colors of this place?
Where do you run/walk normally? What do you think about during this time?
Record the sounds of a place you feel the most connected to.
Write about/ show us a space that you valued that has disappeared or that you can no longer get to (this could be a physical or mental space).
Write about a place where you feel most heard. When do you visit this place? When did you first visit it and when did you last visit it?
What do you hear right now?
What can be heard in nature? (Human and non-human)
What is something you hear every day?
Is there a place that you feel more connected to now than you did before Covid-19? How has your relationship to this place has changed?
How has your interaction with a place changed due to Covid-19?
Racial Justice
Where is the place you first felt heard?
Where do you experience privilege? What creates this atmosphere?
Share with us a place where you feel most inferior?
Share with us a place you are scared to lose?
Where is a place that you feel most fearful?
Where is a place that you feel least valued?
Think about your favorite place and describe why you like that place.
Think about a place you love. What is the most important part of this place (physical beauty, physical objects, emotional ties, etc.)? Tell us/show us what this most important part is.
Share a memory of love, joy, or sorrow from a place you feel attached to.
What is the earliest memory you have of feeling connected to nature?
What was your favorite childhood place?
Describe your fondest childhood adventure. Who was with you and where did you go?
Recall a time when you fell in love with a place.
Tell us about the place where you fell in love with. This could be anything- a person, oak trees, ice cream, jazz music, etc!
Design your favorite fantasy place/creation.
Do you have a recurring dream? What is the place this dream occupies?
Recall a time that a place started to feel like home.
Changing Place/Loss of Place
Write about/ show us a space that you valued that has disappeared or that you can no longer get to (this could be a physical or mental space).
Describe the place the sun leaves the land last in your home/favorite place.
Describe the place where the sun first arrives near the place you live.
Is there a place that you both love and hate?
What is the place that brings you the most comfort?
Write about/ show us a place that you feel like you belong to the most.
Write about/show us a place where you have felt the most love.
What was your favorite childhood place?
Where is the place you value most in the world?